The Benefits of Azure Machine Learning Whitepaper

Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows businesses to leverage data and make better, guided decisions without human intervention. With a rapid rise in the volume, variety, and velocity of data, machine learning offers a smarter and more accurate approach to analyzing complex data sets, instead of trial-and-error methods. From helping to improve operational efficiencies and driving down costs, to improving customer experiences, ML is increasingly becoming a competitive differentiator for many enterprises. However, the accuracy in predictions made through machines largely depends on the quality of data and the underlying ML model. Moreover, the infrastructure and the specialized skill sets required to integrate ML within different business processes can get costly.

SMB’s and enterprises, however, can easily jump into machine learning and start reaping the benefits through Microsoft Azure ML that offers a cost-effective and robust environment to build ML applications. This cloud-based environment allows businesses to train, deploy, manage, and automate their ML models without needing to invest in costly IT infrastructure.