Cloud Networking

Automate complex tasks while reducingmaintenance and infrastructure costs

Historically, a company’s IT department acquired, deployed, and maintained networking applications such as network management software. This led to more capital expenditures and increased support time by the companies’ IT personnel. IT departments were already stretched while managing one central location. Trying to deploy and maintain networking equipment and applications in distributed sites compounded the costs and support time needed by IT even further.

Cloud networking introduces a new method to deploy, operate, and manage distributed enterprise networks. It delivers enterprise-class network capabilities via a cloud infrastructure that require little or no capital investment. Unlike traditional hardware-based legacy solutions, cloud networking automates complex tasks and makes them simple. This enables enterprises to deploy locations in minutes and operate distributed networks with services delivered via a cloud infrastructure. It also provides unprecedented levels of centralized control and network visibility.

Deploy, operate, and manage, easily

Leveraging the Cloud

Cloud networking has become a vital segment of cloud services and currently represents a fundamental shift in how IT services are provided to users. GoDgtl helps customers realize the growth and innovation provided with cloud networking platforms.
